星期二, 2月 21, 2006


Ball Pen為何中文稱為「原子筆」(需注意,此中文名只通行於香港、台灣及海外,在大陸是不行的,大陸稱之為圓珠筆),原來是香港利豐集團的傑作。二戰後,利豐(一說是其第二代領導人馮漢柱)將Ball Pen引進香港,該公司由於想到原子彈之威力,所以將這種筆命名為原子筆,其業績之威力果然如原子彈般,售價被炒高五十倍至港幣三百多元。

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

Your pouches will degrade after time, so you will have
to repair them every once in a while in the abyss.

Try and keep all of your tools and items organized in a neat way.
This is still faster than dropping your entire inventory.

Here is my web blog; mining